From the idea to production!


It is what entrepreneurs bring to us, at least part of it! Then, in collaboration, we structure the entire action plan.


We develop the entire electronic project, as well as software / firmware mockups.


From the printed circuit board, to the programming of the micro-controllers, as well as the packaging and prototyping of a functional concept for testing and validation by the customer.


We can produce the product for the customer or provide the customer with the circuits to produce, as well as develop tools for quality control.
parallax background

Consumer electronics
Industrial electronics

Technical skills
  • Desenho esquemático
  • Printed circuit design
  • Firmware development
  • Various types of communications (Wifi, Bluetooth, Mesh, Xbee, LoRa)
Experience in
  • Communication Hardware <-> Software.
  • Indoor positioning of goods or people, in real time.
  • Building electronics for industrial applications.